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Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful - from Cup of Blessing - MP3 Audio File

Price: $0.99



Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful - from Cup of Blessing - MP3 Audio File

Offertory from Cup of Blessing liturgy by - Jay Beech
Text ©1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress; Music by Jay Beech, ©1995 Augsburg Fortress.
All rights reserved. Used by permission: [Insert your license info here.]


The Cup of Blessing liturgy is a setting of the common and Lutheran liturgical texts as they appeared in Lutheran Book of Worship and With One Voice. It was written with “folk” instruments in mind and can be accompanied by piano alone or with guitar, flute, oboe, or other solo instrument, as well as bass and percussion.

The title of the liturgy comes from this now very familiar offertory text. The energy of an aggresively-strummed acoustic guitar will really drive this number along.

*NOTE - The liturgy was originally commissioned by the ELCA as "provisional" material prior to the publication of the With One Voice hymnal. “Return to the Lord” (#615) and “Lamb of God” (#622) were eventually included in the Service Music section of that volume.


Full length MP3 audio file originally recorded on Everyone Who Is Thirsty, Come! in 2002.

1:09 - 44.1 kHz, 160kbps - 1.3mb

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