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Walking with Jesus - Guitar/Vocal Score

Price: $1.99



Walking with Jesus - Guitar/Vocal Score

Text and music by Jay Beech, ©2005. All rights reserved.
Used by permission: [Insert your license info here.]


The journey of faith can be understood as being on a walk with Jesus. The six verses of this song each recall a Biblical story about people who walked with him: Fishermen called to follow, disciples sent out with power, Mary & Martha, the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears, the cleansing of the temple, and Jesus washing the disciples' feet. This gentle 3/4 time piece will fit easily into any style of service. It can be sung entirely by the congregation or with a choir or soloist singing the verses.


Two page PDF score in A minor includes melody plus guitar chords with fretboard symbols.

Licensed for 5 copies